It’s not a restaurant, but it provides me with food just the same — take a trip over to the Hayward Farmer’s Market every Saturday from 9am-1pm! We’ve been hitting up the market for a few weeks now and spend around $30 every time on local and (typically) organic produce for the coming week. It’s super fun and, after reading the Omnivore’s Dilemma, a total must.
It’s always a goal to “eat better” and, for me, attending the farmer’s market every week helps me do this. Here’s why:
- It helps me plan what we’re going to eat each week. What to buy? Well, better think of dinner for the coming week and buy what we need.
- It helps me eat healthier food because I am committed to actually eating what we buy. When I buy 4 nectarines, 2 zucchinis, and a bag of spinach, I actually eat those things. And they’re good for me.
- I can buy organic. Not everything at the farmer’s market is organic so don’t be fooled. But there are a few organic booths that post signs regarding their pesticide-free ways and I feel less chemically treated when I eat my strawberries each morning.
- I can buy locally. Most of the produce is trucked in from the central valley or from other corners of California, which doesn’t seem like terribly nearby. But compared to the Argentinian bananas and the Thai fish at Safeway, the carbon footprint is pretty light.
You might imagine that a farmer’s market in the fabulous city of Hayward isn’t the finest around, but I would beg to differ. It’s just one block long, but it’s totally packed with awesome-looking produce and nice folks. There are even a few prepared food tents at the north end of the strip offering Mexican, Indian, Kettle Corn (no drooling, dad), crepes, cakes and a few other things. The live music seems to cycle every week and it’s typically foot-tappingly refreshing.
Our standard shopping list typically includes: Organic nectarines or peaches (until they go out of season soon); a three-pack of organic strawberries; squash or zucchini; spinach or green beans or potatoes or all three; fresh, locally made pasta (made in South SF); the occasional bolani; and sometimes a locally caught cod or sole from Half Moon Bay. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg, there’s a huge amount of other pre-made and fresh foods on offer at the two-dozen or so booths.
High fives all around for fresh produce at the Hayward Farmer’s Market, will I see you there this Saturday?
Many small farmers use organic methods (no pesticides, etc), but they aren’t certified because it is an expensive process. If you inquire at the non-certified stands, you may find a few that you’d be willing to buy from. You’ll have more variety for purchase, and the no-pesticide/non-certified stands tend to have lower prices (at least this is true for the market we shop at).
Hi Carissa! I do realize that lots of farmers use organic methods and that’s just fine by me if they’re not certified. I know the certification is a lot of hoop jumping. I do wish the stands that use organic practices would at least post a sign saying so, even if they aren’t certified. But, asking is always a sure-fire way to find out. Thanks for reading my post and adding a comment! 🙂